GetCallers | 7 Annoying Marketing Tasks: How to Outsource Them?
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7 Annoying Marketing Tasks: How to Outsource Them?

The fact is that there are some marketing tasks that you could do without. Online surveys show that search marketers do have some tasks that can annoy them and drive them crazy. Even the self-driven entrepreneurs only have so many hours in a day.

But, how do you operate a company and keep up with your social networks at the same time and implement a smart marketing strategy when it feels like you only have time to handle one thing at a time?

We have a few solutions for you. But first, let us find out what the most annoying digital marketing tasks are. Then we will explore some of the best ways you can outsource them to experience great marketing results without any hassles with the help of digital marketing virtual assistant. Here are 7 annoying marketing tasks that you do not want to deal with :

1. #Keyword Research :

It is obvious that identifying keywords is vital. You want your targeted audience to go through your social media content, and you want to be sure that you have chosen the correct keywords.

The issue here is that keyword research can feel like a thankless task. It is research after all. You won’t guarantee great results just by looking up keywords alone isn’t going to. It is going to take more marketing after keyword research to make sure that you have positioned your company properly to benefit from its marketing strategy. And later, it will take landing page customization or blogging to make sure you generate important results to encourage the likes of Google to post your page for that specific keyword.

2. #Writing for Content Marketing :

Content marketing is vital. You know how important it is to have content that targets particular keywords and generates value for your audience. Everyone knows it is vital to demonstrate skills in your chosen field. Almost 65 % of businesses do not have a documented content strategy at all, but why?

Content marketing consumes a lot of time. Putting together a business and writing about it, with informative content on your blog is something that many people can not do. That does not even focus on effective marketing necessities like creating a calendar of blog topics to tackle every month or coming up with great subjects for your target market.

The obvious solution is outsourcing the writing. But how do you determine a digital marketing virtual assistant who can handle your needs for high-quality writing and content while also understanding your services?

3. #Balancing Marketing Work with Business Work :

When you work for regular hours like 9-5, it is not difficult to concentrate on your work. You do not have to think about creating a landing page for marketing your company, or what to write in the newsletter of the company.

But what about entrepreneurs? These basic marketing tasks are an integral part of maintaining a business. Their marketing strategy consumes their productive hours. And in many cases, it does not eat into these productive hours at all, and the entrepreneur is forced to work for additional hours just to keep the business humming along.

4. #Optimizing Your Conversion Rate :

GetCallers | 7 Annoying Marketing Tasks: How to Outsource Them?

In a survey, one of the most annoying tasks of digital marketers was conversion rate optimization. Lots of digital marketers find it to be among the least favorite and time-consuming tasks they have to face.

Optimizing your conversion rate is research-intensive making it difficult. You have to analyze your analytics. You have to go through your landing page. You might even look at a heat map of your web page, and try to diagnose where the audience is going wrong.

5. #Generation of Traffic :

GetCallers | 7 Annoying Marketing Tasks: How to Outsource Them?

Let’s face it: traffic generation is crucial. By attracting new customers, you keep money flowing through your organization. Without traffic, you will not get as many new leads, especially those targeted leads you might be chasing for.

But according to research, only one out of three digital marketers is absolutely stumped about how to generate new traffic for their business. That means even experienced and paid marketers are having issues.

6. #Link Building :

GetCallers | 7 Annoying Marketing Tasks: How to Outsource Them?

There are many statistics that spot that link building is valuable. 90% of marketers believe that in 5 years, link building will still be an important way to generate important search engine value for your online presence.

It is vital to work when done right. And if not done correctly, that means it can be a frustrating, time-consuming, unenviable task that digs into the precious time you could otherwise spend on operating a fully-functioning business.

7. #Using New Marketing Tools :

A good CRM software is a great way to keep on top of all of your leads, customers, and potential marketing possibilities. But do you have the time to implement it? It can be the last task on your daily to-do list when you are busy with everything from handling your business taxes to making payroll. But it is still so important that it can not be ignored.

Question is that, How you can outsource these annoying tasks and make them a strength?

The good news about having a small business owner is that you are the boss! And if you can determine the perfect digital marketing virtual assistant for outsourcing these annoying tasks, you will be able to concentrate on the essential work that helps your business grow.

But how do you find a virtual assistant able to tackle everything from managing your social Networks to traffic generation

Just create a list of your most-hated marketing tasks. Think about the things you really want to avoid. Create a list if possible.

That will leave you with a list of high-frustration high-impact, marketing tasks you want to outsource.

The next step is quite simple, you just have to connect with GetCallers and we are here to solve all of your problems. Our virtual assistant can immediately handle tasks for you and bring change.

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GetCallers | 7 Annoying Marketing Tasks: How to Outsource Them?
GetCallers | 7 Annoying Marketing Tasks: How to Outsource Them?